It's been a great experience!
Especially when it comes to football I've never been to futsal court let alone playing & kicking an actual one! Thanks to Namewee, i guess we girls had our official first time having the fierce match *smiles* againsting the multi-personality 'Handicap' team!
Some familiar faces in it. :)

Amoi boleh~!!

make up

ah moi 1,2,3,4,5!

i like her role! Pheeetttt! The referee who seem to steal the limelight everytime! *smiles*

When everyone doing their thang! =)

she's hot!

we trying to play some balls! lolz

we were 'asked' to comfort the guys after losing their match. Hah!

The guys were waiting! :)

Referee doing her thing!

He's the man!
glowing in the dark.:)
with the sunshine girl
with the fresh & cool girl
with Aly, my friend, from red fm
hahaha. They were hilarious!
at the last scene!
Once again, he did it again! Namewee bringing lotsa laughter both on set & to the audience! Truly an entertainer! Music truly connects!